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  • GailHollinger


“To stimulate creativity, one must develop the childlike inclination for play.” – Albert Einstein

My name, Gail, means joy.  I wonder, now that my parents have both left this world, if they knew the meaning of the name they gave me.  If they did, they never talked about it.  I don’t think my name is an especially pretty one* - that guttural GUH sound is not at all mellifluous - I prefer Abigail, the original, Biblical long form of the name.   Abigail was King David’s third

wife who is described as being ”good in discretion and beautiful in form”.   I can’t claim either of those attributes, but the name Abigail is translated as meaning “The Father’s Rejoicing” or sometimes, just “Joy” and I like to think that does describe me.  I know my father - and my mother - did rejoice at my birth.  They’d waited ten years, for the end of the War, before starting a family and by this action, expressed their joy in the belief that yes, the world would go on.

When I think back to the art I created in my youth the pieces I recall most vividly are ones that celebrated joy in some form.  I remember, clearly, a woodcut of a conductor leading a choir in which I tried to express the ecstasy of the music.  My daughter still has an enamel piece I made in high school of hands holding a trumpet that explored a similar theme. (Interesting that both these remembered pieces explored the making of music, the other passion of my life.)

My collage work begins with the making of paste paper which is one of the most joyful, the most playful art processes to be found.  I describe it as finger painting for grownups.  

The playfulness of creating paste paper becomes embedded in my completed work.  Is there anyone more fortunate that I am?  I get to play like a child, with joy and abandon, without remorse or repression!  

My hope is that we all can celebrate our work, whatever that work may be, and bring to it the enjoyment and creativity of play.  And if my art brings joy to your world, that brings joy to my heart. What in this world can be better than that?

Gail Hollinger

June 11, 2024

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